Tuesday, September 29, 2009


At 3 pm on Thursday, I am done with OB! Yippie!!! I'm much more excited for peds, even if the thought of angry/confused/scared/over protective parents isn't totally appealing. Babies are cool, but they're not prone to do much (but I do appreciate their tiny diapers). Even more exciting, I will be going home after clinical is over! We have Monday off and it will be more than fantastic to go home and not have to cook for a couple days. Sometimes you just have to get out of where you are.

I think that since I am naturally a wanderer/explorer, it's hard to stay in one place and develop a routine for me. I feel like the monotony is getting to me and it's 5 weeks in... trouble ahead for sure. This could be because of the insanely repetitive nature of OB. It's awesome, really, but just slow. And quiet. And the exact opposite of me. I think that if I took a job here all would be fine (probably because I'd finally live alone), but I'm itching for a new place to explore at the moment. I didn't do my run today since I went to Brugger's with Cassie and Mary after class and then had to take my last exam and now it's pitch dark out (plus wind and rain), so that might be it. I don't know, though. Since I can't figure out where I actually want to explore at the moment, I'll try to practice my patience and let it come to me. Cue yoga breathing...

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