Nothing exciting happened in the last 4 months happened so not much was missed. I survived psyc and research and am SO close to the end of med-surg I can taste it! We have our last day on the floor tomorrow and then alternate sites next week. Hello, cardiac ICU, here I am to observe! It will be interesting since ALL of my clinical experiences have been general. Yes, that's correct. Not ONCE have I been on a specialty floor. This JUST occurred to me. How screwed up is that?! Good thing I'm a motivated and focused little almost-nurse! I do have to say, though, that my mentor and her sleep research are pretty fabulous non-general things for me to play with. Who knew I'd like pasting electrodes to kiddos heads so much? Sleep research can be boring, but when a 2 yr old snores like a truck driver it's a little entertaining.
Now for the important stuff.
I LOVE IT.Oh. And I'm running a
half marathon on 4/25.
Yup. I'm a ....
It's not peds, but it is surgical. I am person who loves the idea of surgery. It's sick and twisted but I just don't care. The OR is my FAVORITE place in the hospital as an observer, although probably not as a nurse unless I was a scrub nurse/first assist. Everytime I've been there (oh yes, 3 times!) I've been totally enamored with what I saw. I think I missed my calling as a surgeon. Oh well, too late now! Eventually I might venture to the ED, but peds/surgical/ICU in any or all combination = love. I'm in the PICU for my capstone in April which will be more than baller. I love kiddos and families. Actually, I pretty much love all of my patients since I get to make them giggle at least once during our day. That, to me, is success.
What I want to be/do when/if I grow up:
1) A super fantastic nurse to my super fantastic patients
2) A super-super fantastic person
3) Love my job even on the sad gray cloud days
4) Learn something new every day
5) NEVER accidentally stick myself
6) Finally get that vegan cupcake recipe!
Someone told us this week that nursing is a profession that you're called into. The unit you're supposed to work on feels like home. I can't imagine doing anything else. I fell in love with peds and surgery from the second I walked on the floor.
Hello, real life. I'm ready! :)